About Davis

Davis Moore is an author and pastor who resides in West Michigan. Davis synthesizes his roles as an author and pastor, bridging the gap between literature and spirituality. Whether through his sermons or his books, he spreads messages of hope, love, and joy, urging individuals to embrace God’s story in their life and find solace in Christ.

photo cred. Angie Smith

Davis Moore was born in a small town in West Michigan. He received a love for storytelling from his parents who both relentlessly told him and his brother stories throughout their childhood.

Currently, Davis is the teaching pastor at Corner Bible Church in Allegan, Michigan, where he has served for the last seven years. Davis is a storyteller from the stage, passionately communicating the gospel to his congregation. Davis’s passion is for people to encounter the identity changing nature of the gospel and helping people live that identity out in their daily lives.

Davis married his high school sweetheart, Amanda. Currently, they live in Allegan, Michigan, with their dog, Nala.

Some of Davis’s favorite things are cold brew coffee, sushi, and exploring Michigan’s coastal towns with his wife.